⚠️ #metacrisisalert
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The world, as we know it, teeters on the edge of a profound crisis—what some call a metacrisis or polycrisis. It is not merely one challenge that troubles us, but the entanglement of many.
We must turn our gaze however to the exciting opportunities we have to build the paradise we do want, not focus ad nauseam on the dystopia we hope to avoid. Now is the best time in history to be alive, we have the best kind of work to do, more ways of connecting and creating together than before. We are the keystone designer species of this planet, and as a reader of this text, you occupy the most advanced piece of machinery the world has ever produced: The human body. There are technical ways to produce in the environment the elements that result in paradise for the human organism. These elements are predictable and physically buildable. Some people have never even considered the possibility of physically setting their work directly towards the task of building paradise, of solving for human needs and working directly on integrating those needs naturally and at scale, yet this is exactly what we are inviting you to do. Right now, consider yourself a Paradise Maker, and join us.
The real question is: can we, at this very moment, awaken to the reality that it is now that we must act?
🌱Understanding the challenge / current state of the planet

In Search of the Third Attractor, Daniel Schmachtenberger (part 1)
Your Score: 7/10
🤏 Take the AI Test: Green Gold: Regreening the Desert
Forests are ecosystems with a diversity of plants, animals, and fungi. They were designed by nature to have perfect balance. A food forest is a version of this in which the different, balanced components produce food. When we understand how nature creates its ecosystem, we can model that with productive species to produce food sustainably, with minimum inputs for maximum outputs.
The Forested Garden: What is a Food Forest?
Your Score: 7/10
🤏 Take the AI Test: Green Gold: Regreening the Desert
Forests are ecosystems with a diversity of plants, animals, and fungi. They were designed by nature to have perfect balance. A food forest is a version of this in which the different, balanced components produce food. When we understand how nature creates its ecosystem, we can model that with productive species to produce food sustainably, with minimum inputs for maximum outputs.
The Forested Garden: What is a Food Forest?
Your Score: 7/10
🤏 Take the AI Test: Green Gold: Regreening the Desert
Forests are ecosystems with a diversity of plants, animals, and fungi. They were designed by nature to have perfect balance. A food forest is a version of this in which the different, balanced components produce food. When we understand how nature creates its ecosystem, we can model that with productive species to produce food sustainably, with minimum inputs for maximum outputs.
Sepp Holzer - Austrian Rebel Mountain Farmer: Water Wizard and Earth Repair Visionary
Your Score: 7/10
🤏 Take the AI Test: Green Gold: Regreening the Desert
Sepp Holzer, the Austrian farmer renowned for his accomplishments in reshaping and revegetating the land, has paved the way for an ecologically rich and abundant future worldwide. Taking a radical and innovative approach to farming, Holzer chose to emulate nature. By embracing natural principles and replicating the intricate patterns found in ecosystems, he has transformed once-unfarmable terrains into thriving, self-sustaining landscapes with an abundance of water and food. Despite the challenging conditions of his steep and rocky childhood mountain side farm, Holzer defied convention and introduced groundbreaking techniques to nurture diversity and symbiosis. His unconventional methods were often met with skepticism and resistance, earning him the nickname the Rebel Farmer.
ORGANIC vs CONVENTIONAL-The Shocking Truth About Nutrients in Your Food!
Your Score: 7/10
🤏 Take the AI Test: Green Gold: Regreening the Desert
Forests are ecosystems with a diversity of plants, animals, and fungi. They were designed by nature to have perfect balance. A food forest is a version of this in which the different, balanced components produce food. When we understand how nature creates its ecosystem, we can model that with productive species to produce food sustainably, with minimum inputs for maximum outputs.
How Regenerative Agriculture Brings Life Back to the Land | Gabe Brown | TED
Your Score: 7/10
🤏 Take the AI Test: Green Gold: Regreening the Desert
Forests are ecosystems with a diversity of plants, animals, and fungi. They were designed by nature to have perfect balance. A food forest is a version of this in which the different, balanced components produce food. When we understand how nature creates its ecosystem, we can model that with productive species to produce food sustainably, with minimum inputs for maximum outputs.
🌱beautiful possibilities

Green Gold: Regreening the Desert | John D. Liu | English
Your Score: Not Detected
🤏 Take the AI Test: Green Gold: Regreening the Desert
Environmental filmmaker and Commonland Ambassador John D. Liu documents large-scale ecosystem restoration projects in China, Africa, South America and the Middle East, highlighting the enormous benefits for people and planet of undertaking these efforts. “I believe we must empower everyone on Earth to understand and participate in restoration of the Earth.” – John D. Liu
The Forested Garden: What is a Food Forest?
Your Score: 7/10
🤏 Take the AI Test: Green Gold: Regreening the Desert
Forests are ecosystems with a diversity of plants, animals, and fungi. They were designed by nature to have perfect balance. A food forest is a version of this in which the different, balanced components produce food. When we understand how nature creates its ecosystem, we can model that with productive species to produce food sustainably, with minimum inputs for maximum outputs.
Sepp Holzer - Austrian Rebel Mountain Farmer: Water Wizard and Earth Repair Visionary
Your Score: 7/10
🤏 Take the AI Test: Green Gold: Regreening the Desert
Sepp Holzer, the Austrian farmer renowned for his accomplishments in reshaping and revegetating the land, has paved the way for an ecologically rich and abundant future worldwide. Taking a radical and innovative approach to farming, Holzer chose to emulate nature. By embracing natural principles and replicating the intricate patterns found in ecosystems, he has transformed once-unfarmable terrains into thriving, self-sustaining landscapes with an abundance of water and food. Despite the challenging conditions of his steep and rocky childhood mountain side farm, Holzer defied convention and introduced groundbreaking techniques to nurture diversity and symbiosis. His unconventional methods were often met with skepticism and resistance, earning him the nickname the Rebel Farmer.
◹ #Assets
The Assets of Paradise
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First and foremost, we are having fun! We get to take horse manure, sawdust, food and garden waste, and turn it into the most nutritious living compost on earth. We are creating a compost cathederal and tiny house factory on a 1.8ha field in Paarl.
Tools of Paradise

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Structures of Paradise

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Landscapes of Paradise
Animals of Paradise
Journeyman Modular tiny houses